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Domain Name Management

SITE123's domain name management panel allows you to quickly edit DNS records. Test out the domain system and make your website shine with a domain today!

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Working with your domains is as easy as can be with SITE123. The management panel allows you to quickly edit DNS records. This is so important when you need to learn how to buy a domain name and connect it to your SITE123 website. It is critical to know that if you are going to have multiple domains it will be necessary to manage them. This can be a lot of work, so thankfully SITE123’s system makes it so it isn’t too much work. You can monitor and adjust several domains through one interface, reducing hassle to a minimum. You can add wanted domains, delete unwanted domains, and adjust any other domain information easily. You also have the ability to edit your DNS records! You have complete control over the domain records associated with your domain: you can add and change records like .MX or .TXT or any other DNS file type based on your needs. Do you want your website to have multiple subdomains based on what language the viewer is using? You can create multiple subdomains if you have multi-language website! The DNS panel can help you set this up for you. The real icing on the cake is that we have great 24/7 live chat support, letting you get assistance with any of these processes whenever you need it! At SITE123, we do everything we can to make setting up your website as easy as possible.

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